Sunday, March 8, 2009

...and so the nights fade to morning.

So, that guy? ("Who, forbidden-fruit guy?" "No, perfect platonic relationship guy - honestly, keep up, will you?") We talked again tonight...and it was wonderful. I've had a fairly miserable Friday and Saturday. Aside from dealing with an old crush, I've been PMSing - I hate not being in control of my own emotions, dammit - and I've had annoying customers at the restaurant. After work tonight, I ended up back at my dorm, even though no one else is really coming back until tomorrow. Once I was back in the safety of home, because that's what my dorm really is, all the frustration and annoyed bitchiness I had pent up just came to the fore, and I had to let it out. So I get on iChat, talk to a few friends, and he messages me. We talk about mundane and random things for a bit before I start on my emotional rollercoaster of a tirade, which degenerates into "Fuck it, I need to actually talk to someone about this. I'm calling you."

And then what started out as me venting my emotions and frustration while someone listened and commented turned into a real conversation, and went on and on...until I finally brought it up.

"You know how we're open about everyone? Well it's actually hard to talk to someone about themselves. Like right now. Talk to me about me."

"Damn, well I - that *is* hard..."

"OK, I'll go first."

And I launched into it, talking about what I thought when I first saw him, how that changed, and then what I saw as the turning points of our relationship, ending with how much both he and our friendship meant to me. The best part? Just like everything else, when I was done with it all it felt so normal that I knew I'd been silly to harbor any of those doubt I'd had before. Of course, hearing about myself was also nice - honestly, who doesn't like hearing about themselves? We're selfish creatures for us, well, we talked for more than 3 hours. And now it's 5:30 and I need to get to bed, like the rest of the world, only I lose an hour of sleep. But I can't be angry about Daylight Savings Time, because right now I'm too damn happy.

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